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In Love With The Word

I discovered books at the age of 4 and the love affair continues to this day. I want to share the joy, magic and thrill of discovery with an eager young mind. Knowledge is power and the key to being a productive member of society. I want to help broaden the horizons and expand the mindset of my students. My experiences as a Youth Counselor and Adult Literacy Instructor have taught me that the one size fits all approach does not apply to learning. Individuals have unique and distinct ways of ...

American history



I have 10 years' experience working in a group home for adult males with autism. The clients ranged from low level to high functioning. I worked with clients on an individual basis and in a group setting. I was a job coach, assisting the client with work and helping adjust to their environment. I was a life skills instructor,helping clients with tasks such as grocery shopping preparing a budget and basic literacy.


government & politics






Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)